An American’s Entitled Perspective on Scotland 2007-2010 😂

When most of the world announced that they would not be allowing Americans to travel to their countries due to our really poor handling of the coronavirus, I imagine a cheer rose from the crowd in at least a couple Scottish pubs. I’m sure there were more cheers in more pubs but I can only […]

Rainbow Ghosts Everywhere

Well, I’m writing this on Sunday morning. Today I was woken by fireworks at 7 A.M. as they tend to start later on Sunday mornings which is appreciated. Earlier, I woke at my unnaturally early “dawn time” and felt “hell no” because extra sleep time was needed as last night I was disproportionately exhausted because […]

“Want a beer?” and Other Life-Saving Techniques

“Want a beer?” is what I’d hear if I walked into a Wisconsin friend’s house because it’s what is first said when terrible (and good) things are actively happening. I’m so demoralized and not surprised by all the news reports about American violence of late I’m going to talk about drinking alcohol. However, I’m not […]