😫? Escape With Me to Spain: Misadventures in Málaga

You never know when a grief attack will hit. Yesterday I had a full-blown, out-of-left-field grief attack when listening to a song I always listen to but, for whatever reason, when the song lyrics came to this certain part yesterday… I completely lost it. It’s like all the oxygen was sucked out of my body […]

Escape With Me: A Budget Weekend in Paris

Sometimes it’s healthy to reflect on memories, especially when the present feels overwhelming. A mental staycation of sorts. So I’m reflecting on the single weekend my husband and I spent in Paris for my 30th birthday. The reason we were able to do something so seemingly extravagant is because we were already living in Europe. […]

My Eyes Are Open: Another Spooky Post

Staring at inanimate objects, looking for messages and signs, is one of my many hobbies. I’m not basing my existence on whatever I imagine I see (or really see) but, rather, it’s an imaginative and pleasant way to spend my free time. For example, a couple months ago I was tromping all over our apartment’s […]