SYSTEM ALERT: Is What Happened to My Mom Going To Happen To Meeeeeeeeee?

Why have a blog if you can’t use it to openly discuss the potential manifestation of your absolute worst fear? 😺 Yeah. This is the blog post I really avoided writing and here it is. In this post I’ve tried to bedazzle my worst fear and all my fretting and freaking out with pictures and […]

Mental Health and Taking a Break from Human Interaction

Remember when texting became a thing? I have friends who are a few years older than me and they have confided in me that they hate texting and miss talking on the phone. They say this to me in a hushed tone because now talking on the phone is taboo. And they have unfortunately mistaken […]

Same Rant, Now With Castle View

Rough day yesterday. 911. Emergency room. Parking lots. In any case, a reminder to not allow meaningless, small stuff to dominate time because our time is short. And this reminds me of feeling the same way in Scotland: tired. One day, while living in Edinburgh and feeling overwhelmed by deadlines and recent deaths and academia, […]