Have the Circus Pick Me Up: A Holiday Tale

I’ve found another career path: the circus. It’s not a huge surprise as I’m from Baraboo, Wisconsin, which is known as “Circus Town, USA” due to it being the home of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Maybe your grandmother didn’t take you and your cousins to the circus every summer but mine […]

When Words Don’t Cover It,1990’s Microsoft Paint Can

Words fail. That kind of thinking is detrimental for a blog. In any case, I think my logistics job is affecting my not-job-related memory, soul and verbal speech… or else… it’s not the super stressful job and, rather, the FTD/ALS is kicking in. I hope not because my job does not offer health insurance, and […]

Brain Scans and Your Average Medical Male Monster

Holy cats. This blog post focuses on the monster who was my former neurologist and THE MONSTER CALLED ME WHEN I WAS WRITING THE FIRST DRAFT. Therefore, I have some LIVE ACTION news in this blog post. Exciting! But I’m getting ahead of myself. Right. So I’m an epileptic. Been epileptic since I was twelve. […]

Moving Out and We Took the Haunted Mirror With Us (To Goodwill)

Right. So, we started to pack up to ship out. The haunted house had won. Well, it wasn’t as much the weird happenings as much as the whole thing about my mom living her last days and dying in our house. The latter factor was a big one as we didn’t want to continue to […]