Nature Had Its Way With Us

I once read a study which claimed that Milwaukee was the safest place to live (when only considering natural disasters). Otherwise, it’s a bit fucked here and we’ve managed to altar the mortality statistics with other human-made variables (structural racism, systemic poverty, corruption, crime etc.). But Milwaukee’s citizens don’t usually see hurricanes or mudslides or […]

Detached: Why This Epileptic Will Never Again Do Another Ambulatory EEG

Right. So I’ve had epilepsy since I was 12. That last sentence makes it sound like going from “no epilepsy” to “epilepsy” was a smooth transition… it was not. In any case, as an epileptic (who hid her epilepsy for twenty-five years out of fear of people’s rampant inability to cope with fear and who […]

Hell Today

I’m not sure if anyone else thinks “Have I gone too far?” as much as I do in regard to really insignificantly small actions. But I do enjoy the thought of my former keyboard’s space bar being in the ninth circle of hell. I never let my inability to draw hold me back either. Yeah, […]