My Own Private Shit Show: The Art of Coping

This week’s blog is focused on the events of my daily life and how I’m using perspective to prevent them from driving me completely insane. Letting Your Car Go We paid off our car. Which means we’ve given it permission to completely fall apart. You’re free, Marshmallow. While a mechanic was trying to figure out […]

Helping: A Dark Art

I’m one of those people who feels compelled to help other people. If I don’t feel like I’m helping other people, I feel as if I have no purpose. And this is why I often have had jobs which paid very little money because helping people is not what people do to make money. In […]

SYSTEM ALERT: Is What Happened to My Mom Going To Happen To Meeeeeeeeee?

Why have a blog if you can’t use it to openly discuss the potential manifestation of your absolute worst fear? 😺 Yeah. This is the blog post I really avoided writing and here it is. In this post I’ve tried to bedazzle my worst fear and all my fretting and freaking out with pictures and […]

Angels in a Not Yet Broken Phone

Five and a half years after being placed on hospice, my mom died in June 2017 at the age of 64. I organized the funeral and then the funeral happened and then I returned to our house and my husband David went to work and our house was just empty and quiet and I couldn’t […]

The Beyond

On the first night we viewed and then signed the papers to buy our Madison house, it felt haunted. When I went upstairs to turn off the hallway light, I felt the air thicken and move around me in an unnatural way. Thrilled, I ran downstairs, delighted that we were going to buy a haunted […]

The Outsiders

Our house activity climaxed with my beloved mom’s fight to defy death in her final months battling frontotemporal degeneration (FTD). New things started to happen which didn’t seem particularly paranormal as they involved tangible, organic creatures who were simply behaving oddly. Specifically, the animals started to mobilize. By this point, we had lived in our […]

What the Others Saw

As time went on, more souls were to experience the unexplained, creepy and unusual happenings which took place in our Madison, Wisconsin house. But these experiences were secondary as these additional house visitors were there to assist me with the care of my rapidly declining, terminally-ill mom. Due to her lengthy battle with frontotemporal degeneration […]

The Crash

My mom was given six months to live in January, 2012, diagnosed with moderate brain atrophy and frontotemporal degeneration (FTD). In September 2017, since she was still trucking but she could no longer speak, walk or perform tasks independently ALL WHILE BEING FULLY AWARE OF ALL THIS #mostcruelillness, she required very individualized care which facilities […]

Don’t Move Into a Haunted House

I’ve been told that epileptics are prone to paranormal activity but I’d say most people are fair game if you move into a place with black handprints up and down the basement wall a la Blair Witch. My husband, our mastiff rescue Hemingway and I moved to Pittsburgh last year to fail at starting a […]