June the Untouchable Shadow

We are on the brink of nuclear war And the other day my mentally ill formerly favorite uncle choked on a piece of meat in his mental institution and SHOCKER no one noticed for 20 minutes and so now he is in another hospital on ICU. And it’s also DEATH TIME for me as a […]

The Olympics of Every Day

Another week of being alive! Huzzah! That opening makes it sound like this week’s blog post is going to be exploding with good news and joy. I’ll do my best. Lately, my neurological realities have been on my mind and I’m trying to feel really grateful for the time I have. That’s not meant to […]

So You Hate Reading… (Buy My Audiobook 🤷)

Have I recently mentioned my job is insane and it’s pushed me to the edge of some kind of breakdown? I haven’t ranted about it too much on here because it’s kind of thrilling to feel on the virtual edge of a nervous breakdown when not a single life is on the line. Not even […]

Helping: A Dark Art

I’m one of those people who feels compelled to help other people. If I don’t feel like I’m helping other people, I feel as if I have no purpose. And this is why I often have had jobs which paid very little money because helping people is not what people do to make money. In […]

Going to Prison

Well, I was called back for a second interview for one of the two Education Director positions I had interviewed for the week before. I’m going to tell that story this week because my brain is consumed by thoughts of this role and as such I am incapable of thinking about anything else. A bad […]

A Prison of Possibilities

Welcome to 2021… in risk of overusing the same material, this IT Crowd gif perfectly represents how I’m feeling about 2021: Yesterday, I sat down to take a break in my Monday routine which involves doing last week’s laundry and the weekly domestic hard-clean of our apartment. I figure that, if I’m not making any […]

SYSTEM ALERT: Is What Happened to My Mom Going To Happen To Meeeeeeeeee?

Why have a blog if you can’t use it to openly discuss the potential manifestation of your absolute worst fear? 😺 Yeah. This is the blog post I really avoided writing and here it is. In this post I’ve tried to bedazzle my worst fear and all my fretting and freaking out with pictures and […]

It’s My Birthday and I’m in Space and Won’t Be Able to Make It This Year

My birthday is this week or… technically, it’s at the very beginning of next week. For the record, it’s 10-4… you know, like in the police code. In other words, “OKAY”. I was once in the back of a police car and they said “10-4” and I said, “That’s my birthday!” I love birthdays. And […]

Redundantly, What’s the Point?

I’m sure I’m not the only one who at times wonders: I just got home from private communion as I don’t attend the church services because, despite precautions taken by my church, it’s just indoors in a crowd and all this singing and talking and… I’m not someone who seeks out crowds to start with. […]

Remembering Nice Interactions in Scottish Society After Poor Interactions in Wisconsin Society

Usually, if I’m feeling bright and cheery, I try to gather it all up to summon the nerve and will to go out and talk to people. I’m remembering this because I had some pretty upsetting interactions with humans recently as, due to a family emergency, I found myself in a small town in Wisconsin […]