Happy Post Halloween!… plus LIGHTNING STRIKES AGAIN!

I’m a vampire every year but mortality felt inappropriately close this weekend. But, before the brush with death, October was fun. It’s the best month and it didn’t disappoint. We dressed up more than we have in the past few years and that was fun. Also, Halloween seemed to go on and on because Milwaukee […]

Our House Is Trying to be Haunted: Fun New Things

So it seems our old new house is haunted as I originally feared/expected. First of all, spider webs are EVERYWHERE. I dropped a cap from a juice bottle accidentally and it fell down the basement stairs. I groaned and walked ALL THE WAY AROUND the banister to go down the stairs to pick it up […]

Spring Fever!

Okay. So we are in World War III. That’s pretty surreal and yet… in a way, I can’t help but ask “What took us so long?” For people who argue we are not in World War III, more countries are presently engaged in the Russia vs Ukraine War than in any other war. Even little […]

Teaching a Dog to Be a Dog

I am building up the will to discuss neurological issues and how I quit my job this week but also… didn’t… but who cares about any of that! NOT ME! So this week I’m going to focus on my new understanding of what people mean when they say you need to teach a dog what […]

COVID and the Saddest Dog in the World

COVID has become a regular part of daily life. We live in a time of plague. Putting on a mask when leaving the house has become commonplace. Not seeing friends and family has become normal. My innate desire to feel repulsion when seeing a large group of people has been allowed to flourish along with […]

The Hallmark Movie Has Begun… Will It Turn Into a Shudder Movie… STAY TUNED! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

What the hell am I going on about now? THE ANSWER We GOT AN ACCEPTED OFFER ON A HOUSE THIS WEEK! So I’ve talked about how I’m relentless/resilient… something terrible happens and I just keep going and act like it was nothing. Just keep going… don’t let anyone get an edge on you… stay upright… […]

So This Week Happened…

It’s been a rough week. Earlier, I found out a dear friend died in a motorcycle accident. A utility van crossed the center line and, by doing so, ended her life. It was sudden and still feels unreal and… irritating. Like, I am super irritated about this. Not fair. Not cool and I don’t want […]

My Own Private Shit Show: The Art of Coping

This week’s blog is focused on the events of my daily life and how I’m using perspective to prevent them from driving me completely insane. Letting Your Car Go We paid off our car. Which means we’ve given it permission to completely fall apart. You’re free, Marshmallow. While a mechanic was trying to figure out […]

So You Hate Reading… (Buy My Audiobook 🤷)

Have I recently mentioned my job is insane and it’s pushed me to the edge of some kind of breakdown? I haven’t ranted about it too much on here because it’s kind of thrilling to feel on the virtual edge of a nervous breakdown when not a single life is on the line. Not even […]

When Words Don’t Cover It,1990’s Microsoft Paint Can

Words fail. That kind of thinking is detrimental for a blog. In any case, I think my logistics job is affecting my not-job-related memory, soul and verbal speech… or else… it’s not the super stressful job and, rather, the FTD/ALS is kicking in. I hope not because my job does not offer health insurance, and […]

Milwaukee Paranormal Conference! 👻

When my amazing, award-winning journalist/writer friend Tea (check out his latest book which I highly recommend: https://thebookselfblog.wordpress.com/category/tea-krulos/) asked me to be a panelist in the Milwaukee Paranormal Conference in September: I said “Yes.” As part of this event, I’m also being given a vendor table so… this is all very amazing. Because, at this fine […]

One House We Will Not Be Buying 👻…

Hi there. Two weeks ago I didn’t know if I could continue this blog because I got a real job. And the last two weeks have been crushing, overwhelming and crazy stressful, and it’s been trial by fire and I’ve been thrown into the deep end but… I haven’t drowned yet. Yet. I’m slowly, painfully, […]

I Am Batman

Little known fact that I am Batman. Though you may have had some clues given my being an orphan and certainly also having some unresolved issues in regard to the whole “being an orphan” thing. Yet, my lack of extreme wealth may have tipped you off that I’m not really the crime-fighting playboy cape-wielding superhero. […]

Make Your Fun: Mental Health Is Relative

WELL! What a day I had last week. WEDNESDAY I started last Wednesday with being a midwife’s first patient of the day (absolutely no news to share there) and later had a pharmacist suggest I’m insane. That was funny as the woman ahead of me in line at the pharmacy with people selling drugs right […]


This week’s blog post documents the mural my husband David (muellerlowlife.com) and I recently created. For the record, I hate our really shitty terrible Charter WiFi and also WordPress and also maybe my old PC. I don’t which of them is to blame for this rather ridiculous day of rewriting this blog so I’ll just […]


My PC laptop is very old and our apartment’s WiFi is very shit so it takes forever for me to, say, open a folder. FOREVER. But then, when it eventually, finally, does manage to OPEN A FILE FOLDER and I verbally exhale an exasperated ‘finally‘, my PC makes a satisfied happy sound which I interpret […]

Helping: A Dark Art

I’m one of those people who feels compelled to help other people. If I don’t feel like I’m helping other people, I feel as if I have no purpose. And this is why I often have had jobs which paid very little money because helping people is not what people do to make money. In […]

If I Was Rich, I’d Have To Get My Cardio Elsewhere: A Shoveling Tale

Milwaukee got pummeled by snow this weekend (church was canceled even) which meant the weekend was largely spent shoveling. I like shoveling because it provides me with cardio and the gratification that comes with putting work in and having it pay off. Immediately. Our apartment is on a corner so, as we are to shovel […]

The Bank Doesn’t Care If Your House Is Haunted

Want to read my book? 😺

A Prison of Possibilities

Welcome to 2021… in risk of overusing the same material, this IT Crowd gif perfectly represents how I’m feeling about 2021: Yesterday, I sat down to take a break in my Monday routine which involves doing last week’s laundry and the weekly domestic hard-clean of our apartment. I figure that, if I’m not making any […]