Let’s Be Real

Well, Joker Part Deux the film comes out in theaters ON my birthday again. Also, it turns out that I didn’t fail the test I referenced in my last post which signified how I was falling apart. So I guess I’m not falling apart. That should be a comfort to me but of course it […]

Uprisings, Revolts… Mutants, Naps

First of all, this post is being published on 4/14/2024 and it was started in February. I can’t edit the date of publication because this old Dell is too old for the Word Press updates and I spend most of the time writing a blog valiantly defending my right to edit my own post. ANYWAYS, […]

Roller Coaster of Life – 2 jobs, LowLights and one new dog later…

Wow! I need to either stop paying for this blog or make a post! 😺 For the 4 of you who kept track… I used to post weekly and then… I stopped posting entirely. What the hell? Well. I’ve been holding on by a thread. 😺 So, in this blog, I aim to catch you […]

Profile of Broken Dogs

Hello there. 👋 I can’t access my site via my PC anymore due to systemic changes and, since it was such a DIY build, I can no longer update my site (I had manually add each new post to my Rants) but… Oh well! 😺 As a quick recap, Halloween is alive and well here. […]

I Just Got Used to the Witches

Big picture, making the decision to keep or sell my dad’s Badger football season tickets after he died shouldn’t have been a big deal. Yet, navigating grief is a lot like that scene from The Jerk where Steve Martin’s character says he doesn’t need anyone or anything. My dad’s Badgers seats are a lot like […]

Happy Post Halloween!… plus LIGHTNING STRIKES AGAIN!

I’m a vampire every year but mortality felt inappropriately close this weekend. But, before the brush with death, October was fun. It’s the best month and it didn’t disappoint. We dressed up more than we have in the past few years and that was fun. Also, Halloween seemed to go on and on because Milwaukee […]

Joy Divided and Halloween Rising ⚡️💔⚡️

Wow. It’s been a minute since I’ve posted anything on this site which I pay $120+ to maintain and don’t have the time to use… But I love the five of you who read and then comment… it’s like a really specialized form of social media as you’re not on my other social media or […]

You’ve Been Too Much, Summer: Halloween, Save Us All

I think the last time I enjoyed summer was back when I was a kid. Back then, it was all waterparks and swimming pools and fireworks and staying over at friends’ houses and running around in the dark of our neighborhoods playing Ghosts in the Graveyard, Witches Come Out Tonight and other shocking children’s games. […]

Spring Fever!

Okay. So we are in World War III. That’s pretty surreal and yet… in a way, I can’t help but ask “What took us so long?” For people who argue we are not in World War III, more countries are presently engaged in the Russia vs Ukraine War than in any other war. Even little […]

The Revelations/Revolutions of June

There’s those days of self-pity where you just have to crash out Les Misérables’ I Dreamed a Dream on the piano and make your dog serve as unwilling witness. Speaking of the dog, June Carter Cash has just started eating on her own. This is a revelation. I came home from work late one night […]

The Olympics of Every Day

Another week of being alive! Huzzah! That opening makes it sound like this week’s blog post is going to be exploding with good news and joy. I’ll do my best. Lately, my neurological realities have been on my mind and I’m trying to feel really grateful for the time I have. That’s not meant to […]

Hold on… hold on…

This week I’m identifying most and best with my broken car fob and our traumatized, terrified yet indignant and supremely weird new dog. This is because recently I hit a wall due to the rut of our present existence and other factors. When you’re feeling low, it’s good practice to count your blessings. There is […]

COVID and the Saddest Dog in the World

COVID has become a regular part of daily life. We live in a time of plague. Putting on a mask when leaving the house has become commonplace. Not seeing friends and family has become normal. My innate desire to feel repulsion when seeing a large group of people has been allowed to flourish along with […]

Have the Circus Pick Me Up: A Holiday Tale

I’ve found another career path: the circus. It’s not a huge surprise as I’m from Baraboo, Wisconsin, which is known as “Circus Town, USA” due to it being the home of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Maybe your grandmother didn’t take you and your cousins to the circus every summer but mine […]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

“Peace and love.” Easy to say but super difficult to feel. Yet, while I’m super tired out from an especially hellish month of work and also family drama and other life stuff… … I’m still doing my best to channel George Michael and hold on to some Christmas cheer. As such, I’m making a list […]

Dexters Are Motherflipping EVERWHERE!

I figured I needed to put together a light-hearted blog. So you consider a fictional serial killer “light”? Yes. Have you seen Dexter? In any case, I just got done reading twenty years of neurologists’ reports on me because I dumbly logged into my medical records database to find this lovely summary and… to read […]

To Mastiff or Not To Mastiff

My epilepsy is stretching… Uh-oh. The fact that I’m aware of it stirring is alarming because it’s difficult to do under the cloud of medication I take to keep it still so, when I can sense its movement… I used to tell friends I was “happy” about having epilepsy because it served as a kind […]

The Hallmark Movie Has Begun… Will It Turn Into a Shudder Movie… STAY TUNED! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

What the hell am I going on about now? THE ANSWER We GOT AN ACCEPTED OFFER ON A HOUSE THIS WEEK! So I’ve talked about how I’m relentless/resilient… something terrible happens and I just keep going and act like it was nothing. Just keep going… don’t let anyone get an edge on you… stay upright… […]

My Own Private Shit Show: The Art of Coping

This week’s blog is focused on the events of my daily life and how I’m using perspective to prevent them from driving me completely insane. Letting Your Car Go We paid off our car. Which means we’ve given it permission to completely fall apart. You’re free, Marshmallow. While a mechanic was trying to figure out […]