Let’s Be Real

Well, Joker Part Deux the film comes out in theaters ON my birthday again. Also, it turns out that I didn’t fail the test I referenced in my last post which signified how I was falling apart. So I guess I’m not falling apart. That should be a comfort to me but of course it […]

I Just Got Used to the Witches

Big picture, making the decision to keep or sell my dad’s Badger football season tickets after he died shouldn’t have been a big deal. Yet, navigating grief is a lot like that scene from The Jerk where Steve Martin’s character says he doesn’t need anyone or anything. My dad’s Badgers seats are a lot like […]

Joy Divided and Halloween Rising ⚡️💔⚡️

Wow. It’s been a minute since I’ve posted anything on this site which I pay $120+ to maintain and don’t have the time to use… But I love the five of you who read and then comment… it’s like a really specialized form of social media as you’re not on my other social media or […]

Where Are the Lambs, March?

March marches in like a lion and departs like a lamb. That’s what I was taught in school as a kid and March 2022 has not disappointed in the lion department but I’m not sure it’s going to morph into a lamb any time soon. In any case, yesterday I left my job in art […]

Spring Fever!

Okay. So we are in World War III. That’s pretty surreal and yet… in a way, I can’t help but ask “What took us so long?” For people who argue we are not in World War III, more countries are presently engaged in the Russia vs Ukraine War than in any other war. Even little […]

Hold on… hold on…

This week I’m identifying most and best with my broken car fob and our traumatized, terrified yet indignant and supremely weird new dog. This is because recently I hit a wall due to the rut of our present existence and other factors. When you’re feeling low, it’s good practice to count your blessings. There is […]

Covid Negative and, hey Worst Week, MEET JUNE CARTER CASH! 😻

Status Update: Firstly, I’m still COVID negative and now so is my husband! We are both clear! David never had any symptoms and… I never had COVID so… quarantining in our small little open plan house was kind of surreal. When he FINALLY received his test result (3.5 days after his PCR test), we had […]

Have the Circus Pick Me Up: A Holiday Tale

I’ve found another career path: the circus. It’s not a huge surprise as I’m from Baraboo, Wisconsin, which is known as “Circus Town, USA” due to it being the home of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Maybe your grandmother didn’t take you and your cousins to the circus every summer but mine […]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

“Peace and love.” Easy to say but super difficult to feel. Yet, while I’m super tired out from an especially hellish month of work and also family drama and other life stuff… … I’m still doing my best to channel George Michael and hold on to some Christmas cheer. As such, I’m making a list […]


Holy cats! There’s been a gap in my blog posting! The reason is… well, let me use a little MATH: Variable One: I have moved my husband and I from our apartment to our house (I packed all our things, labeled all the boxes, booked the movers, was there for the movers and helped the […]

The Darkness

There are some nights – tonight and last night – where I think “I’m just going to bed. This day has felt too terrible too long and it simply needs to end. Here’s to tomorrow.” But then tomorrow comes. And it feels the same. My fucking IUD removal (or Mirena crash which many doctors deny) […]

Beware of Milwaukee Drivers: The Rant To End All Rants

I was in a bit of a funk last weekend so, on Saturday morning, I decided to take the car to run a couple of errands because I like driving. Driving relaxes me. Until I remembered that I live in Milwaukee. I try to avoid the interstate interchanges or “highways” in Milwaukee because they feel […]

Helping: A Dark Art

I’m one of those people who feels compelled to help other people. If I don’t feel like I’m helping other people, I feel as if I have no purpose. And this is why I often have had jobs which paid very little money because helping people is not what people do to make money. In […]

Going to Prison

Well, I was called back for a second interview for one of the two Education Director positions I had interviewed for the week before. I’m going to tell that story this week because my brain is consumed by thoughts of this role and as such I am incapable of thinking about anything else. A bad […]

True Crime: A Stabbing in Tourist Town

This week’s blog is a chapter I’ve cut from the book I’m working on. So, yeah, my blog is a kind of recycling bin because it’s important to recycle. This is a story about the early days of email and that one time my co-worker was stabbed which occurred while we both worked in tourist […]

Double Life of Sorts

I have to say, as I prep for/engage in two job interviews for positions this week, I also have this little voice inside which says: “What’s the point? You’re doomed.” Well, it’s not quite that dramatic but that’s essentially its core messaging. Why? If you’re a new reader, I received the death toll of genetic […]

It’s Happening! It’s the END!!!!!

Wellity, wellity. 2020 is coming to an end. Hypothetically. There is still time for the world to end before 2021. But hopefully that won’t happen. After all, we each likely have hard-wired high, misguided hopes for the new year. Because we have to. Survival requires a little hope, sporadically and strategically spread out over our […]

SYSTEM ALERT: Is What Happened to My Mom Going To Happen To Meeeeeeeeee?

Why have a blog if you can’t use it to openly discuss the potential manifestation of your absolute worst fear? 😺 Yeah. This is the blog post I really avoided writing and here it is. In this post I’ve tried to bedazzle my worst fear and all my fretting and freaking out with pictures and […]

It’s My Birthday and I’m in Space and Won’t Be Able to Make It This Year

My birthday is this week or… technically, it’s at the very beginning of next week. For the record, it’s 10-4… you know, like in the police code. In other words, “OKAY”. I was once in the back of a police car and they said “10-4” and I said, “That’s my birthday!” I love birthdays. And […]