I Just Got Used to the Witches

Big picture, making the decision to keep or sell my dad’s Badger football season tickets after he died shouldn’t have been a big deal. Yet, navigating grief is a lot like that scene from The Jerk where Steve Martin’s character says he doesn’t need anyone or anything. My dad’s Badgers seats are a lot like […]

Joy Divided and Halloween Rising ⚡️💔⚡️

Wow. It’s been a minute since I’ve posted anything on this site which I pay $120+ to maintain and don’t have the time to use… But I love the five of you who read and then comment… it’s like a really specialized form of social media as you’re not on my other social media or […]

The Revelations/Revolutions of June

There’s those days of self-pity where you just have to crash out Les Misérables’ I Dreamed a Dream on the piano and make your dog serve as unwilling witness. Speaking of the dog, June Carter Cash has just started eating on her own. This is a revelation. I came home from work late one night […]

Dexters Are Motherflipping EVERWHERE!

I figured I needed to put together a light-hearted blog. So you consider a fictional serial killer “light”? Yes. Have you seen Dexter? In any case, I just got done reading twenty years of neurologists’ reports on me because I dumbly logged into my medical records database to find this lovely summary and… to read […]

My Own Private Shit Show: The Art of Coping

This week’s blog is focused on the events of my daily life and how I’m using perspective to prevent them from driving me completely insane. Letting Your Car Go We paid off our car. Which means we’ve given it permission to completely fall apart. You’re free, Marshmallow. While a mechanic was trying to figure out […]

Milwaukee Paranormal Conference! 👻

When my amazing, award-winning journalist/writer friend Tea (check out his latest book which I highly recommend: https://thebookselfblog.wordpress.com/category/tea-krulos/) asked me to be a panelist in the Milwaukee Paranormal Conference in September: I said “Yes.” As part of this event, I’m also being given a vendor table so… this is all very amazing. Because, at this fine […]

Epilepsy, 3 Hospitals, 7 Vials of Blood and a Key Lime Martini

So… how was your Monday? 😺 Mine turned out to be a Big Day. Now in this odd little blog, I tell a lot of random stories. But lately I’ve strayed away from my health issues (epilepsy etal.) because I’ve been enjoying a blissful break from hospitals. Yet, this all changed Monday and now you’re […]

I Am Batman

Little known fact that I am Batman. Though you may have had some clues given my being an orphan and certainly also having some unresolved issues in regard to the whole “being an orphan” thing. Yet, my lack of extreme wealth may have tipped you off that I’m not really the crime-fighting playboy cape-wielding superhero. […]

Stigma: Epilepsy, Mental Illness and the Same Old Treatment

Reality is a fickle thing. If you don’t share the reality most others share, life is more difficult. Some people run with their “outsider” status and others fight to change and expand how their reality is seen and experienced. And still others do what they can to hide their different reality and quietly assimilate with […]

The Fantastic Curse of Epilepsy

I recently had the pleasure of reading a friend’s poetry memoir regarding his experiences with epilepsy. He supplements his poetic verse with evocative photographs, and it’s creative, honest, authentic and thought-provoking. Since he’s the second person I’ve recently read about who has broken their jaw (or general “face area”) in a seizure, it made me […]

Maybe I’ll Have a Happy Electrified Ending

This blog is a little late this week because I spent Monday and Tuesday doing “real” work aka editing a grant application (for a friend but she paid me my rate and it was the closest thing I’ve done to “real” work in a long time). So that felt good. That update is for those […]

Monday: Electrodes, Needles, Nerves, Static, a Bed and Four Men and an Epileptic Crammed in a Tiny Room

I’m not going to lie. That 👆 sounds like a very messed up porn. Gross. Which is why I don’t feel a lot of people could do an EMG test. Because if you’re not “good with” needles, or have an issue with claustrophobia or with being electrocuted, or being essentially naked on a bed in […]

Brain Update: To Fall or Not to Fall

“Are you afraid of falling?” “No.” The neurological specialist nodded thoughtfully and I redirected my thoughts to reflect on how “Stephen Hawking” fell a lot in the beginning of the movie The Theory of Everything. ☹️ The reason for this rant is how I went to the dreaded appointment with an ALS specialist because I […]

All Lab Rats Go To Heaven: An Epileptic Puts Her Foot Down

2020 has not been easy for anyone. After all, even those investors and tech CEOs who made a shit ton of money in 2020 off the public health crisis like war profiteers couldn’t just roll down to their local to get a beer or bottle of Cristal without assuming some risk. Tough times for us […]

Sometimes You Just Have to Take a Day or Two

Amiright?😺 And if that doesn’t fix what’s wrong you need to move to more extreme actions. I’m currently in between the two stages. And, as long as I’m asking questions, I’ll also query: does anyone else feel like they’re living two lives at once? When I hear the phrase “two lives at once” I first […]

To Be (Allergic) or Not To Be: The Small Saga Continues

This entry provides an update of my theory that my epilepsy medication is causing my body to physically fall apart. As an update, it’s now been a week of me being off Briviact, the epilepsy medication I’m theoretically allergic to, and also a week of being back on the only other medication (Levetiracetam) which prevents […]

Latest EEG Produced “Unexpected” Results

I started this blog last spring after experiencing my first ambulatory 72 hour EEG. Accordingly, this entry provides some updates for the health tests I’ve discussed here in previous posts and also includes my proposed take-it-into-my-own-hands solution. In addition, it presents a reminder that you never know what you’re going to get when trying new […]

Detached: Why This Epileptic Will Never Again Do Another Ambulatory EEG

Right. So I’ve had epilepsy since I was 12. That last sentence makes it sound like going from “no epilepsy” to “epilepsy” was a smooth transition… it was not. In any case, as an epileptic (who hid her epilepsy for twenty-five years out of fear of people’s rampant inability to cope with fear and who […]

Genetics: Gene, Gene, Gene, Gene… GOOSE!

Pour a glass of something strong because I’m inviting you to embark upon a potentially life-changing genetic adventure with me. Or don’t read this and drink your whiskey in peace. Either way, my GP referred me to a genetic counselor last winter after I received somewhat dodgy mammogram results but the geneticists never returned any […]


Where am I? Are the police busting down our door? And then… what day is it? If the police are busting down our door, I want to know what day it is. That was the cognitive scene today at exactly six in the morning. It was a bit surreal as a loud bang woke my […]