Struck, Hacked and Haunted… yup, It’s the Same-Old, Same-Old. How You?

For my 4 readers, I’ve long discussed the dangers of driving in Milwaukee. Last Friday, I was hit so hard my car was deemed totaled on the scene. It took insurance days and days and drama and stress but eventually they said the same. A driver had hit my car so hard in my passenger […]

Spring Fever!

Okay. So we are in World War III. That’s pretty surreal and yet… in a way, I can’t help but ask “What took us so long?” For people who argue we are not in World War III, more countries are presently engaged in the Russia vs Ukraine War than in any other war. Even little […]

Covid Negative and, hey Worst Week, MEET JUNE CARTER CASH! 😻

Status Update: Firstly, I’m still COVID negative and now so is my husband! We are both clear! David never had any symptoms and… I never had COVID so… quarantining in our small little open plan house was kind of surreal. When he FINALLY received his test result (3.5 days after his PCR test), we had […]

COVID and the Saddest Dog in the World

COVID has become a regular part of daily life. We live in a time of plague. Putting on a mask when leaving the house has become commonplace. Not seeing friends and family has become normal. My innate desire to feel repulsion when seeing a large group of people has been allowed to flourish along with […]

The World Has Lost Its Mind So Don’t Forget to Hollaback

Last week I read the local news headlines for Madison, Wisconsin (I live in Milwaukee which is like Madison on meth) as I apparently long ago signed up to receive these emails and rarely read them and… I honestly had to sit back on my heels and take a breath. Because it’s like the entire […]

Double Life of Sorts

I have to say, as I prep for/engage in two job interviews for positions this week, I also have this little voice inside which says: “What’s the point? You’re doomed.” Well, it’s not quite that dramatic but that’s essentially its core messaging. Why? If you’re a new reader, I received the death toll of genetic […]

Happy New Year! 🏴‍☠️🏳

For us, it’s still 2020. Feeling a bit bored and also somewhat doom and gloom However, we have a plan. 🎃 As it’s a pandemic and also because we are old, my husband and I decided that we are going to get dressed 😬 and drive to the grocery store (we have a gift card […]

It’s Happening! It’s the END!!!!!

Wellity, wellity. 2020 is coming to an end. Hypothetically. There is still time for the world to end before 2021. But hopefully that won’t happen. After all, we each likely have hard-wired high, misguided hopes for the new year. Because we have to. Survival requires a little hope, sporadically and strategically spread out over our […]

😫? Escape With Me to Spain: Misadventures in Málaga

You never know when a grief attack will hit. Yesterday I had a full-blown, out-of-left-field grief attack when listening to a song I always listen to but, for whatever reason, when the song lyrics came to this certain part yesterday… I completely lost it. It’s like all the oxygen was sucked out of my body […]

All Lab Rats Go To Heaven: An Epileptic Puts Her Foot Down

2020 has not been easy for anyone. After all, even those investors and tech CEOs who made a shit ton of money in 2020 off the public health crisis like war profiteers couldn’t just roll down to their local to get a beer or bottle of Cristal without assuming some risk. Tough times for us […]

Escape With Me: A Budget Weekend in Paris

Sometimes it’s healthy to reflect on memories, especially when the present feels overwhelming. A mental staycation of sorts. So I’m reflecting on the single weekend my husband and I spent in Paris for my 30th birthday. The reason we were able to do something so seemingly extravagant is because we were already living in Europe. […]

SYSTEM ALERT: Is What Happened to My Mom Going To Happen To Meeeeeeeeee?

Why have a blog if you can’t use it to openly discuss the potential manifestation of your absolute worst fear? 😺 Yeah. This is the blog post I really avoided writing and here it is. In this post I’ve tried to bedazzle my worst fear and all my fretting and freaking out with pictures and […]

Well, We Introverts Can’t All Be Normal and Well-Adjusted 😺

I spend most of my time being a recluse and playing Sodoku. I’m an epileptic introvert who is now terrified of her brain degenerating so this is a pragmatic way to spend my time, in my electrified view. At the same time, I can’t play Sodoku all the time so I also spend a lot […]

Brad, If You’re Out There, I Have Your Viper Disc

I’ve recently realized I’ve been holding on to a lot of pointless guilt and it has to do with a stranger named Brad whose name is scrawled on the back of the disc golf disc I use… Long ago, I met David who I eventually married and David played disc golf. I had never disc-golfed […]

Monday Morning Blues and Brights

I remember when it would be Sunday night and I was short and I’d be watching TV and I’d resent seeing Jessica Fletcher’s dumb face on Murder She Wrote because it meant that the next morning it would be Monday and school would start once again. I didn’t have any significant problems at school beyond […]

Hell Today

I’m not sure if anyone else thinks “Have I gone too far?” as much as I do in regard to really insignificantly small actions. But I do enjoy the thought of my former keyboard’s space bar being in the ninth circle of hell. I never let my inability to draw hold me back either. Yeah, […]

Mice and Men and the Rest of Us

Today in Quarantine Life and the Search for Meaning, Purpose and Income, I’m reflecting on my tragic history with fish as pets and it’s impeding me from buying another one. Now that Wisconsin is again “open,” despite the state setting consecutive daily records on the number of new coronavirus cases, I’m again considering buying a […]

Some Americans Suddenly Realize Coronavirus Is Not Fake News

My husband and I went to get tested for coronavirus a few weeks ago at a south side National Guard testing site located in the parking lot of a Milwaukee community job center. The attraction was how this site was free, a drive-thru and also did not require an appointment. And it was a remarkably […]

Remembering Winter and My Smashed, Broken Robot Friend

Living in Wisconsin, everyone is on their last legs by the time March rolls around due to the intense and extended darkness and cold. Stiff and frozen, we idealize warmer temperatures and dreamily look forward to grilled food, sunshine, fresh air, backyard parties and summer activities. Of course, this year none of that has been […]

Anniversaries and Holidays Which Evoke All Emotions

When you experience loss, you suddenly have new days to dread. Or celebrate. It depends on how you’re coping with your loss. I honestly don’t know anyone who genuinely looks forward to a death anniversary like “OH WOW IT’S ALMOST THE DAY MOM DIED. I CAN’T WAIT TO CELEBRATE HER!!!” but I’m sure you’re out […]